Search for Employee

Use Search for Employee to search for employees by branch, last name, social security number, or employee ID.

To Search for an Employee

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Search for Employee. The Search for Employee screen displays.

  2. Select the branch in the Branch: drop-down menu.

  3. Type the employee's last name or beginning of the employee's last name in the Last Name Begins With: field.

  4. Type the employee's social security number in the SSN/Fed ID: field.


Depending on access, a supervisor or administrator may or may not be able to perform a search on the employee's social security number. If the user's security profile masks social security numbers, the user cannot perform a search by social security number.

  1. Type the employee's ID number in the Employee ID: field.

  2. To display inactive employees, check the Show Inactive Employees: checkbox.

  3. Click Search. The Employee List screen displays with matching employee(s).