Performance Notice

Use Performance Notice to view, print, edit, or remove an employee's negative performance history. A Performance Notice is intended to be printed for the employee's signature. A Performance Notice should be discussed by the supervisor or HR representative and the employee. This becomes part of the employee's permanent file. There may be one or several instances of notes in the employee log that trigger the need for an official Performance Notice.

To add a Performance Notice, refer to Add Performance Notice.

View Performance Notices

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Notice.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to view a Performance Notice for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

Print a Performance Notice

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Notice.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to print a Performance Notice for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click the Description. A PDF file of the Performance Notice displays for printing purposes.

Edit a Performance Notice

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Notice.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to edit a Performance Notice for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Edit. The Add/Edit Performance Notice screen displays. Refer to Add Performance Notice for additional information.

Remove a Performance Notice

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Notice.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to remove a Performance Notice for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. Click OK to the pop-up message.