
Use Salary to view or change salary information.

To view Salary, click administration | Employee Compensation | Salary.


  • This screen is not applicable for a non-paid individual.

Change Salary

  1. Click administration | Employee Compensation | Salary.

  2. Select the employee in which you change salary information for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Select the pay frequency from the Pay Frequency: drop-down menu.


  • Do not include overtime in this field.

  1. Select the employee's Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) classification from the Classification (FLSA): drop-down menu.


  • All employees must be classified as Exempt or Non-Exempt. Most of the time, exempt employees do not have to be paid overtime. These are typically salaried employees, but not in all cases. Non-Exempt employees must be paid overtime subject to the wage and hour laws which vary by state.  These are typically hourly paid employees, but not in all cases. Consult your local tax or HR professional for more information.

  1. Type the last raise date in the Last Raise Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the Last Raise Date: field to select a date.

  1. Type the next raise date in the Next Raise Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the Next Raise Date: field to select a date.

  1. Type the next review date in the Next Review Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the Next Review Date: field to select a date.

  1. Select the pay grade from the Pay Grade: field.

  1. Type the number of hours the employee typically works based on pay frequency in the Average Hours: field. For example, if the employee is paid bi-weekly, they are typically scheduled to work 80 hours in that two-week time frame.


  • Do not include overtime in this field.

  1. Type the salary, per pay period, in the Salary(per pay period): field.

  1. Type the hourly pay rate in the Hourly Rate: field.

  1. Annual Salary is an estimate based on Hourly Rate and Average Hours for Hourly employees, or Salary (per pay period) and Pay Frequency for Salary employees.

  2. Click Save.

To view or edit Tax Status information, refer to Tax Status.