Add New Job Title

Use Add New Job Title to add new job title information.

  1. Click company setup | Company Setup | Job Titles.

  2. Click Add New Job Title. The Job Title Setup screen displays.

  3. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum.


  • Do not use spaces, symbols, or hyphens in the Job Code field.

  • Job Codes are listed in sequential order and cannot be shared by multiple job titles.

  • Do not type more than 30 characters in the Description field.

  • Refer to Pay Grades for additional information on adding and viewing pay grades.

  • Check the Active checkbox to make this Job Title viewable in the Job Titles screen. Uncheck this checkbox to hide the Job Title from view.

  • The Job Category field lists job types as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

  • Although the EEO Job Category field is not required, you can enter information to:

    • Assist in compiling your annual EEO reports.

    • Track job categories for your employees (because the Job Category assigned to the Job Title becomes the default value for an employee's Job Category).

Refer to Reporting for additional information.

  1. Click Save.