Job Postings

Use Job Postings to view all available internal job openings for which you may apply.

To view job postings, click employee | Company Information | Job Postings.

Once you access the Job Postings screen, you can view a job description and details of the job in which you are interested by clicking the Job Title. The Job Summary screen displays.  The summary may include notes about the location or hours for the position.

To apply for a position:

  1. In the Job Postings screen, click Apply in the Apply column of the job in which you are interested. The Apply to Job Posting screen displays.

  2. Type your reason for applying in the Reason for applying? field.

  3. Type or paste your resume information in the Type, Paste or Modify your resume: field.

  4. Click Apply at the top of the screen. Once you click Apply, you cannot delete the application from the employee tab. Contact the administrator responsible for managing applications to make changes or corrections.

An employee can copy and paste a resume into this Paychex application from existing documents or HTML files. Once an employee enters a resume and applies for a job, the resume is stored in this Paychex application.