Add a Direct Deposit

Use Add a Direct Deposit to add or edit a direct deposit (based on access level):

  1. Click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit.

  2. Click Add a Direct Deposit. The Add/Edit Direct Deposit screen displays.

  3. Select the Percent of net pay, Fixed dollar amount, or Remainder of net pay in the Deposit Amount ($ or %): drop-down menu, then type the amount in the Deposit Amount ($ or %): field.


If you set up Direct Deposit deductions to three accounts, those deductions are distributed into those accounts in the specified priority order. If you don't receive enough money during a pay period  to cover your third account, the money is transferred to the first two accounts, and no deposit is distributed to the third account.

  1. Select the priority in the Priority: drop-down menu.

  2. Select Checking or Savings in the Account Type: drop-down menu.

  3. Type the routing/transit number in the Routing/Transit Number: field.

  4. Type the account number in the Account Number: field.

  5. Click Confirm Changes if you are done entering direct deposit information. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays. Click Add Another to add another direct deposit and repeat the steps above.

  6. Click Confirm Changes. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays.

  7. Click I acknowledge and accept this request for Direct Deposit(s). if you acknowledge and accept this request for direct deposit(s).

  8. Click Submit for Approval. The request resubmits to the administrator. You receive an e-mail when the administrator approves or denies your request.

Editing a Direct Deposit

  1. Click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit.

  2. Review the list of current direct deposits.

  3. Click Change in the Change Detail column to update the appropriate direct deposit record. The Add/Edit Direct Deposit screen displays.

  4. Edit the information that needs to change.

  5. Click Confirm Changes if you are done entering direct deposit information. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays. Click Add Another to add another direct deposit and repeat the steps above.

  6. Click Confirm Changes. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays.

  7. Click I acknowledge and accept this request for Direct Deposit(s). if you acknowledge and accept this request for direct deposit(s).

  8. Click Submit for Approval. The request resubmits to the administrator. You receive an e-mail when the administrator approves or denies your request.