Add Absence

Use Add Absence to record information regarding employee absences and attendance. Employees with access to the employee tab can view the date and type of absence, but do not see comments entered in the Notes: field.

Adding an Absence

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Attendance/Time-Off.

  2. Select the employee in which you need to add an absence for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Add Absence. The Add/Edit Absence screen displays.

  4. Type the absence date in the Absence Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the Absence Date: field to select a date.

  5. Select the absence type in the Absence Type: drop-down menu.

  6. Type the number of hours taken for the absence in the Time Taken: field.

  7. Check the Auto-Fill: checkbox if you want to automatically populate a series of days until a specified return date.

  8. Type the return date in the Return Date: field or click the calendar icon next to the Return Date: field to select a return date.

  9. Click the applicable Exclude Days checkboxes to indicate the days of the week that the employee would not normally be paid during their absence.


If the employee works Monday through Friday, click the Sa (Saturday) and Su (Sunday) check boxes.

  1. Type notes in the Notes: field if you need to explain the purpose of the absence. If you would like to time stamp your notes, click Time Stamp.


Employees with access to the employee tab can view the date and type of absence, but do not see comments entered in the Notes: field.

  1. Browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the Document: field to attach an Employee Document to this absence.

  2. Type the document title in the Document Title: field.

  3. Check the View Document in Employee Tab check box if you want the employee to view the document in the employee tab.

  4. Click Save.