Add Training Taken

Use Add Training Taken to update training for an employee. If an employee took a class, you may update their training history by selecting a class from the list on this screen.

Update Training Taken

  1. Click administration | Training & Skills | Training.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to add training taken for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Add Training Taken.

  4. Click the Course Name to view or edit training taken. The Add/Edit Training Taken screen displays.

  5. Complete any applicable fields if you want to update the record.

  6. Browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the Document: field to attach an Employee Document to this training taken.

  7. Type the document title in the Document Title: field.

  8. Check the View Document in Employee Tab check box if you want the employee to view the document in the employee tab.

  9. Click Save if you updated a record.

Add Training Taken Not Listed

  1. Click administration | Training & Skills | Training.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to add training taken for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Add Training Taken.

  4. Click here. The Add/Edit Training Taken screen displays.

  5. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum.

  6. Browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the Document: field to attach an Employee Document to this training taken.

  7. Type the document title in the Document Title: field.

  8. Check the View Document in Employee Tab check box if you want the employee to view the document in the employee tab.

  9. Click Save.