Audit Report

Use the Audit Report to view record changes that occurred during a certain period of time. You can also Export the Audit Report to Excel.

    1. Click company setup | Security | Audit Report.

    2. Enter the Audit Period start date and end date, or select the dates from the calendar icons.

      • The Audit Period start date and end dates are mandatory.

      • The date format must be mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy.

      • The start date must be less than or equal to the current date.

      • The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.

    3. To narrow the results:

      1. Select the applicable code from the Company Code drop-down menu.

      2. Select the applicable Data Type(s).

      3. Enter the applicable employee data.

    4. Click Go. The Audit Report displays with additional filter, view, and sort options.

    5. If you want to export the Audit Report to Excel, click Export to Excel.