Complete a Performance Review

Use Complete a Performance Review to rate employees on their performance over a period of time.

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Reviews.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to complete a performance review for from the My Info drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Click Complete a Performance Review. The Complete a Performance Review screen displays.

  4. Click the Review Title for the review template that you want to use. The Complete Performance Review screen displays.

  5. Complete the required (*) field, at a minimum, then click Next >>. The Complete Performance Review - Page 2 screen displays.


  • If you want the employee to view the added review in the My Info tab, check the View in Employee Tab: checkbox.

  • If you want the employee to be able to enter and/or edit their own performance review comments in the My Info tab, check the Allow Comments: checkbox.

  • If you want to require that the employee electronically acknowledge the Performance Review, check the Require Acknowledgement checkbox.

  • An Action required email and Action Required Notification will be sent to the employee when both the View in Employee Tab and Require Acknowledgement checkboxes are checked.

  • If you want to set a required due date for the Performance Review acknowledgement, type the due date in the Due Date field. The due date must be the current date or later.

  1. Complete any additional information in the fields provided.

  2. Browse for a file or drag and drop a file into the Document: field to attach an Employee Document to this performance review.

  3. Type the document title in the Document Title: field.

  4. Check the View Document in My Info Tab check box if you want the employee to view the document in the My Info tab.

  5. Click Save & Close. The Performance Reviews screen displays.

View a Performance Review

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click the title of the review in the Review Title column to view and/or print the review.

Edit a Self Review

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Edit. The Edit Self Review screen displays.


  • If you want the employee to view the edited review in the My Info tab, check the Read only in EE Tab checkbox.

  • If you want to require that the employee electronically acknowledge the Performance Review, check the Require Acknowledgement checkbox on Page 2.

  • An Action required email and Action Required Notification will be sent to the employee when both the Read only in EE tab and Require Acknowledgement checkboxes are checked.

  • If you want to set a required due date for the Self Review acknowledgement, type the due date in the Due Date field. The due date must be the current date or later.

  • If you want to copy a previous self review, click Copy. A new row will be inserted enabling the Edit feature. An Action Required notification will displayed in the Action Required section of the My Info Home Page.

  1. Complete the applicable fields.

  2. Click Done.

Remove a Self Review

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Remove.


If a performance review has been completed and acknowledged, clicking Remove will remove all electronic acknowledgement history. This cannot be undone.

  1. Click OK to the pop-up message.