Create New Handbook

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Handbook & Acknowledgements.

  2. Click Create New Handbook. The Employee Handbook Setup screen displays.

  3. Type a description for the handbook in the Handbook Description: field.

  4. Check the Active: check box to make the handbook available to employees.


By default, all employees at all branches can view the handbook.

  1. Click the Only Branches Selected Below radio button to limit access to the handbook by branch, then select each applicable branch from the list.

  2. Click Next >>. The Employee Handbook – Section Layout screen displays.

  3. Click in the blank field above the New Section button. Type the name of the first section in the handbook.

  4. Click New Section to add the section title to the Company Handbook list. This list determines the order of chapters in the employee handbook.

  5. Click Next >> after you finish creating section names. The Employee Handbook – Section Content screen displays.

  6. Type content in the field for the first section of the handbook, then click Next >>.

  7. Repeat Step 10 for the remaining handbook sections.

  8. Click Next >> when you finish.