Deposit Verification

Use Deposit Verification to view employee direct deposit changes.

Approve a Direct Deposit

  1. Click administration | Notifications | Deposit Verification.  The Deposit Verification screen displays.

  2. To view employee direct deposit changes, click View in the View column next to the employee's name. The Employee Direct Deposit Approval screen displays.

  3. Select the direct deposit description (checking or savings) in the Direct Deposit Description (Code) drop-down menu.

  4. Click the Approve radio button.

  5. Type notes (optional) in the Notes: field.

  6. Click Save.  The Deposit Verification screen displays.  A notification sends to the employee.

Decline a Direct Deposit

  1. Click administration | Notifications | Deposit Verification.  The Deposit Verification screen displays.

  2. To view employee direct deposit changes, click View in the View column next to the employee's name. The Employee Direct Deposit Approval screen displays.

  3. Click the Decline radio button.

  4. Type notes (optional) in the Notes: field.

  5. Click Save. The Deposit Verification screen displays.  A notification sends to the employee.