Enroll for Training

Use Enroll for Training to enroll an employee for an upcoming training class. Employees with access to the employee tab may also register for classes using the features in that tab.

Enroll in a Training Class

  1. Click administration | Training & Skills | Training.

  2. Click Enroll for Training. The Employee Training Sign-Up screen displays.

  3. Select the employee in which you want to enroll in an upcoming training class from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  4. Click SIGN-UP to enroll the employee in an upcoming training class.

Drop a Training Class

  1. Click administration | Training & Skills | Training.

  2. Click Enroll for Training. The Employee Training Sign-Up screen displays.

  3. Select the employee in which you want to drop out of an upcoming training class from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  4. Click DROP.