
Use Demographics to enter, update, and view basic employee information.

Update Demographics


  • When entering information, type the employee's first, middle, and last names as they display on the associated social security documentation. This is the way the employee's name is printed on pay checks and W-2s.


  • Be sure to only use valid characters:  alphabetic (a-z), apostrophe (‘), hyphen (-), period (.), and space when entering the employee’s name.  If the employee is an Independent Contractor, only use alphabetic (a-z), numeric (1-9), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), and space as valid characters.


  • Employees with access to the employee tab may change their personal, work contact, and emergency information, unless an administrator marks this information read-only in company setup | Security | System Access.


  • If the employee is a non-paid worker, only First Name and Last Name fields are required fields on the Demographics page.

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Demographics.

  2. Select the employee in which you need to update demographics for from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen.

  3. Type the employee's first name in the First Name field.

  4. Type the employee's last name in the Last Name field.

  5. Type the employee's middle name in the Middle Name field, if applicable.

  6. Type the employee's former name in the Former Name field, if applicable.

  7. Type the employee's prefix in the Prefix field, if applicable.

  8. Type the employee's nickname in the Nickname field, if applicable.

  9. Type the individual's social security number or federal ID number in the SSN/Fed ID field.


If any of the numbers entered in the SSN/Fed ID field are invalid, the following error message displays: The SSN/FED ID number you entered is not valid.

From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate value.

  1. Type the employee's birth date in the Birth Date field. The birth date must be greater than 12/31/1899 and less than or equal to the current system date.


After you type the employee's birth date in the Birth Date field, the employee's age automatically populates in the Age field. The Age field is read-only.

  1. Select the employee's sex from the Sex drop-down menu.


Sex is an option that can be selected in the Employee fields when generating a custom report with a type of Employee information.


When the administrator or supervisor enters information in the Sex field (optional) in this screen, the system does not automatically update the Gender field in the EEO screen.

  1. Check the Independent Contractor? checkbox if the employee is an independent contractor.

  1. Type the employee's address in the Address/Address 2 fields.

  1. Type the employee's city of residence in the City field.

  1. Select the employee's state of residence from the State drop-down menu.

  1. Type the employee's zip code in the field.

  1. Type the employee's county in the County field, if applicable.

  1. Type the employee's home phone number in the field.

  1. Type the employee’s home e-mail address in the Home E-mail field.

  1. Type the employee's cell phone number in the Cell Phone field.

  1. Select the employee's marital status in the Marital Status drop-down menu.

  1. Check the Smoker checkbox if the employee is a smoker.

  1. Type notes in the Notes: field, if applicable. If you would like to time stamp your notes, click Time Stamp.

  1. Click Save.

Display Home Information Requests


The Display Home Information Requests page only displays if your company participates in the Demographics Approval/Decline process.

When there are pending requests for home information, the request must be approved or declined before modifications can be made on this screen.

To display home information requests:

  1. Click employee | Personal Information | Demographics.

  2. Click Display Home Information Requests to access all of your pending home information requests. If you requested more than one request for the same day, each request displays as its own line item for Declined, Approved, or Cancelled.

  3. Select an option (Declined, Approved, or Cancelled) in the View requests drop-down menu under Home Information Requests History to view declined, approved, or cancelled requests.

  4. To view comments entered for approved or declined home information requests, click the Notepad icon in the Notes column.

To cancel home information requests, under Requests Pending Approval, click Cancel Request.

Approve Home Information Changes


The Approve Home Information Changes page only displays if your company participates in the Demographics Approval/Decline process.

Use Approve Home Information Changes to approve or decline home information changes made by employees prior to transmitting payroll.

Click Submit to email the approved or declined change to the employee.