Change Event Wizard

Use the Change Event Wizard to enter pending changes for the employee currently selected in the Status/Position or Salary Information screens of the Salary/Status History screen. Required fields are as follows:

  1. Click administration | Employee Compensation | Salary/Status History.

  2. Select the employee in which you want to view Salary/Status History from the employee drop-down menu at the top of the screen. The employee's current Salary/Status History displays on this screen.

  3. Click Change Event Wizard. The Change Event Wizard screen displays.

  4. Type a present or future effective date in the Effective Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the Effective Date: field to select a date. Future dates do not transmit to payroll until that date is reached.


Consult with administrative personnel when selecting a future effective date since an effective date has to be the day before the Preview Begin New Pay Period day.

  1. Type the end date in the End Date: field or click the calendar icon to next to the End Date: field to select a date.

  2. Select the reason for the change from the Reason: drop-down menu.

The screen displays a specific set of information depending upon the selected reason.

  1. Type any notes in the Notes: field.

  2. Complete any applicable fields as a result of the change.  Fields with an * are required fields.

  3. Click Save.