Company Documents & Links

Company Documents & Links are documents and website links that have been selected to be available to employees.

View a Company Document by Category

  1. Click employee | Company Information | Company Documents & Links.

  2. Select Documents by Category from the View: drop-down menu.

  3. If necessary, select the appropriate filters from the Dates:, Search By:, and Containing: drop-down menus and click Search.


    After searching by a category, you can check the Show Documents in Sub-Categories check box to display documents in any sub-categories of the category being searched.

  4. Click View for the Company Document that you want to view. If View is not available, no company documents are available to view at this time.

    Note: Depending on the type of document, you may require a separate reader such as Adobeâ Acrobat. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free download, available at

View a Company Document by Page

  1. Click employee | Company Information | Company Documents & Links.

  2. Select Documents by Page from the View: drop-down menu.

  3. If necessary, select the appropriate filters from the Dates:, Search By:, and Containing: drop-down menus and click Search.

  4. Click View for the Company Document that you want to view. If View is not available, no company documents are available to view at this time.

    Note: Depending on the type of document, you may require a separate reader such as Adobeâ Acrobat. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free download, available at

View a Company Link

  1. Click employee | Company Information | Company Documents & Links.

  2. Select Links from the View: drop-down menu.

  3. If necessary, select the appropriate filters from the Dates:, Search By:, and Containing: drop-down menus and click Search.

  4. Click View for the Company Link that you want to view. If View is not available, no company links are available to view at this time.