Home Information

Use Home Information to enter or modify address, home phone number, cell phone number, and smoker information.

  1. To enter or modify address, home phone number, cell phone number, or smoker information, click employee | Personal Information | Home Information.

  2. Once you are done entering information, click Submit.

You cannot modify name and date of birth information in this screen. Information for the Name: and Date of Birth: fields are maintained in the administration tab. If you need to modify your name, contact the administrator or supervisor.



The Display Home Information Request link only displays if your company participates in the Demographics Approval/Decline process.

Display Home Information Requests

  1. Click employee | Personal Information | Home Information.

  2. Click Display Home Information Requests to access all of your pending home information requests. If you requested more than one request for the same day, each request displays as its own line item for Declined, Approved, or Cancelled.

  3. Select an option (Declined, Approved, or Cancelled) in the View requests drop-down menu under Home Information Requests History to view declined, approved, or cancelled requests.

  4. To view comments entered for approved or declined home information requests, click the Notepad icon in the Notes column.

To cancel home information requests, under Requests Pending Approval, click Cancel Request.