Applicant Pools

Use Applicant Pools to view and/or modify Applicants, Applicant information, Job Titles, Resumes, and to Discard Checked Applicants.

To add a New Applicant, refer to Add New Applicant.

To Search Resumes, refer to Search Resumes.

View Applicants

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Applicant Pools.

  2. Click the applicable applicant's name from the Applicant column. The Candidate Register screen displays.

Edit Applicant Information

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Applicant Pools.

  2. Click the applicable applicant's name from the Applicant column. The Candidate Register screen displays.

  3. Modify the applicable fields.

  4. Type comments in the Comments: field (optional). If you would like to time stamp your comments, click Time Stamp.

  5. Click Next >>. The Candidate Resume screen displays.

  6. Modify the applicable information in the candidate's resume.

  7. Click Save.

View Job Title

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Applicant Pools.

  2. Click the job title of the applicable applicant in the Job Title column. The Applicants screen displays.

Modify Job Title

    1. Click the job title. The Job Posting Setup screen displays.

    2. Modify the applicable fields.

    3. Click Next >>.

    4. Modify the job summary in the Job Summary: field.

    5. Click Done.

Edit Applicant Information

    1. Click the applicable applicant's name from the Applicant column. The Candidate Register screen displays.

    2. Modify the applicable fields.

    3. Type comments in the Comments: field (optional). If you would like to time stamp your comments, click Time Stamp.

    4. Click Next >>. The Candidate Resume screen displays.

    5. Modify the applicable information in the candidate's resume.

    6. Click Save.

View Resume

To view the applicant's resume, click image37.gif.

View Resume

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Applicant Pools.

  2. Click image37.gif.

Discard Checked Applicants

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Applicant Pools.

  2. Check the box next to the left of each applicant that you want to remove.

  3. Click Discard Checked.

  4. Click OK to the pop-up message.