Hire/Rehire Employee

Use Hire/Rehire Employee to enter a new hire's information, hire a candidate from an applicant pool, rehire a previous employee, enter additional information for a new hire, or enter information for a non-paid individual.


HRO was designed to be used for individuals located in the United States.

In the What do you want to do section, click the appropriate radio button.

If the Hire an applicant, enter new hire information, or rehire an employee radio button is selected, choose the appropriate radio button in the following Choose an action section.

Enter New Hire Information

  1. To enter new hire information click the Start entering a new hire’s information radio button.

  2. Select the company that the employee will work for from the Which company code will this employee work for? drop-down menu.

  3. Type the employee's ID in the Use this ID: field.

  4. Type the date the employee data will be available for download to payroll in the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field or click the calendar icon next to the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field to select a date.

  5. Click Next >>. The Hire/Rehire Employee screen displays.

  6. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens. Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  7. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Hire a Candidate from an Applicant Pool

  1. To hire a candidate from an applicant pool, click the Hire a candidate from applicant pool radio button.

  2. Type the candidate's last name in the Last name: field.


If you omit this step, all employees display when you click Search.

  1. Click Search. The Choose a candidate to hire table displays.

  2. Click the applicable Hire radio button to hire a candidate.

  3. Select the company that the employee will work for from the Which company code will this employee work for? drop-down menu.

  4. Type the employee's ID in the Use this ID: field.

  5. Type the date the employee data will be available for download to payroll in the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field or click the calendar icon next to the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field to select a date.

  6. Click Next >>. The Hire/Rehire an Employee screen displays.

  7. Review the employee's information.

  8. Click Next >>. The Hire Employee screen displays.

  9. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens.  Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  10. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Rehire a Previous Employee

  1. To rehire a previous employee, click the Rehire a previous employee radio button.

  2. Type the employee's last name or social security number in the Last Name or Social Security #: field.

  3. Click Search.


If you omit this step, all employees display when you click Search.

  1. Click the applicable Hire radio button to rehire a candidate.

  2. Select the employee's previous employee number or type the employee's ID in the Use this ID: field.

  3. Type the date the employee data will be available for download to payroll in the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field or click the calendar icon next to the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field to select a date.

  4. Click Next >>. The Hire/Rehire an Employee screen displays.

  5. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens.  Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  6. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Continue Entering Information for a New Hire

  1. To continue entering information for a new hire, click the Continue entering information for a new hire radio button.

  2. Type the employee's last name or social security number in the Last Name or Social Security #: field.

  3. Click Search.


If you omit this step, all employees display when you click Search.

  1. Click the applicable Hire radio button to rehire a candidate.

  2. Click Next >>. The Hire/Rehire an Employee screen displays.

  3. Review the employee's information.

  4. Click Next >>.

  5. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens.  Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  6. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Enter Information for a Non-Paid Individual

  1. If entering a non-paid individual, select the Enter a non-paid individual radio button.

  2. Select the company the individual will work for from the Which company code will this individual work for? drop-down menu.

  3. Type the employee's ID in the Use this ID: field.

  4. Click Next >>. The Enter/Reactivate Non-Paid Individual screen displays.

  5. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens. Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  6. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Hire Information for an Existing Non-Paid Individual

  1. If hiring a non-paid individual, click the Hire an existing non-paid individual radio button.

  2. Select an existing non-paid individual to hire in the Choose an existing non-paid individual to hire section.

  3. Type a new employee's ID in the Use this ID: field.

  4. Type the date the employee data will be available for download to payroll in the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field or click the calendar icon next to the When should the employee data be available for download to payroll? * field to select a date.

  5. Click Next >>. The Confirm existing non-paid individual screen displays.

  6. Complete the required (*) fields,  at a minimum on the applicable screens.  Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  7. Click Finish when you are done entering information.

Reactivate a Previous Non-Paid Individual

  1. If reactivating a previous non-paid individual, click the Choose a previous non-paid individual to reactivate radio button.

  2. Select an existing non-paid individual to reactivate in the Choose a previous non-paid individual to reactivate section.

  3. Select the employee's previous employee number or type the employee's ID in the Use this ID: field


If the previous employee ID is not used, this creates duplicate records for this employee in HR Online.

  1. Click Next >>. The Confirm previous non-paid individual to reactivate screen displays.

  2. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum on the applicable screens. Advance to the next screens by clicking Next >>.

  3. Click Finish when you are done entering information.