OSHA Calculator

Use OSHA Calculator to calculate your company's total recordable case rate and DART incidence rate.

Calculate the Total Recordable Case Rate

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Accidents/Illnesses.

  2. Click Print OSHA Forms.

  3. Click Worksheets & Calculators.

  4. Click OSHA Calculator.  The Injury and Illness Incidence Rate Calculator displays.

  5. Type the date range in the Date Range: fields or click the calendar icon next to the Date Range: fields to select the date range.

  6. Select the company from the Company: drop-down menu.

  7. Select the branch from the Branch: drop-down menu.

  8. Select the department from the Department: drop-down menu.

  9. Select the case classification from the Case Classification: drop-down menu.

  10. Select the accident type from the Accident Type: drop-down menu.

  11. Type the total number of injuries and illnesses for your company for the year in the Total number of injuries and illnesses field.

  12. Type the total number of hours worked for all employees for the year, using the OSHA worksheets, in the Number of hours worked by all employees field.

  13. Click in the Total recordable case rate field to automatically calculate the total recordable case rate.

Calculate the Dart Incidence Rate

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Accidents/Illnesses.

  2. Click Print OSHA Forms.

  3. Click Worksheets & Calculators.

  4. Click OSHA Calculator.  The Injury and Illness Incidence Rate Calculator displays.

  5. Type the date range in the Date Range: fields or click the calendar icon next to the Date Range: fields to select the date range.

  6. Select the company from the Company: drop-down menu.

  7. Select the branch from the Branch: drop-down menu.

  8. Select the department from the Department: drop-down menu.

  9. Select the case classification from the Case Classification: drop-down menu.

  10. Select the accident type from the Accident Type: drop-down menu.

  11. Type the amount from column H and I of OSHA Form 300A into the Number of entries in Column H  +  Column I fields, respectively.

  12. Type the total number of hours worked for all employees for the year, using the OSHA worksheets, in the Number of hours worked by all employees field.

  13. Click in the DART incidence rate field to automatically calculate the DART incidence rate.