Total Compensation Summary

Use Total Compensation Summary to indicate how it displays and to edit or delete Additional Compensation Items.

To edit the personalized Total Compensation Summary message, refer to Edit Personalized Message.

To add a compensation item, refer to Add Compensation Item.

To override item information, refer to Override Item Information.

Adjust Total Compensation Summary Display Options

  1. Select company setup | Customizable Options | Total Compensation Summary.

  2. Select the applicable options.

  3. Click Display Sample to display a sample of the Total Compensation Summary.

  4. Click Save.

Edit an Additional Compensation Item

  1. Select company setup | Customizable Options | Total Compensation Summary.

  2. Click Edit in the Additional Compensation Items table. The Total Compensation Line Item screen displays.

  3. Modify the applicable fields.

  4. Click Save or Next >>. If you click Next >>, modify any applicable employees, then click Done.

Delete an Additional Compensation Item

  1. Select company setup | Customizable Options | Total Compensation Summary.

  2. Click Delete in the Additional Compensation Items table.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.