Training Curriculum

Use Training Curriculum to add or remove Training Course Curriculum.

Add Training Curriculum

  1. Click company setup | Training Setup | Training Course.

  2. Click Training Curriculum. The Training Curriculum Setup screen displays.

  3. Select All Employees or an applicable job title from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click GO. The Assign Courses to Curriculum screen displays.

  5. Select the applicable course to add to the Curriculum from the drop-down menu.

  6. Click Add Course to Curriculum.

  7. Click Done.

Remove Training Curriculum

  1. Click company setup | Training Setup | Training Course.

  2. Click Training Curriculum. The Training Curriculum Setup screen displays.

  3. Select All Employees or an applicable job title from the drop-down menu.

  4. Click GO. The Assign Courses to Curriculum screen displays.

  5. Click Remove.