Handbook & Acknowledgements

Use Handbook & Acknowledgements to view, edit (if you create the Employee Handbook in Paychex HR Online), or remove an Employee Handbook or document.

To create a new Employee Handbook, refer to Create New Handbook.

To upload an existing Employee Handbook, refer to Upload Existing Handbook.

To add a new document, refer to Add a New Document.

To create and manage an acknowledgement for any active handbook or document, refer to Create and Manage Acknowledgement Events.

View an Employee Handbook or Document

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Handbook & Acknowledgements.

  2. Click View.

Edit an Employee Handbook


You can only edit an Employee Handbook if you create the Employee Handbook in Paychex HR Online

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Handbook & Acknowledgements.

  2. Click Edit Content. The Employee Handbook - Section Layout screen displays.

  3. Click the title of the Employee Handbook.

  4. Modify the applicable information in the field.

  5. Click Save.

Remove an Employee Handbook or Document

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Handbook & Acknowledgements.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.

Create and Manage Acknowledgement Events

Use Create and Manage Acknowledgement Events to perform the following:


Employers may wish to obtain legal advice before relying on electronic acknowledgements for certain employment agreements.

Create an Acknowledgement Statement

  1. Select company setup | Customizable Options | Handbook & Acknowledgements.

  2. Click Edit Handbook Acknowledgement Statement or Edit Document Acknowledgement Statement to edit the default acknowledgement statement for Employee Handbooks or Documents.

  3. To change the wording in the statement, make the applicable changes, then click Save.

  4. To insert Provide my initials actions for the employee:

    1. Place the cursor at the end of the row where you want the Provide my initials field.

    2. Select Request employee initials from the menu.

    3. Click Save.

Create an Acknowledgement Event

  1. On the Handbook & Acknowledgments screen, click Manage for the handbook or document in which an event is being added. The Manage the Acknowledgement screen displays.


There can only be one active acknowledgement event per handbook or document.

  1. Click Create Acknowledgement Event.

  2. Enter a description in the Description field.


This is a required field.

  1. To request a due date, enter a due date in the Response Due Date field. This displays a reminder to the employee on their homepage.


The date must be the current date or later.

  1. To send an email notification to the employee, check the Send email notice checkbox.

  2. To make the acknowledgement event active, check the Active checkbox.

  3. To include a non-paid worker in the emails, notices, and acknowledgement process, check the Include non-paid workers checkbox.

  4. Click Save.

Edit an Acknowledgement Event

  1. Click Manage Acknowledgements.

  2. Click the event you would like to edit.

  3. Edit the event.

  4. Click Save.

Manage Acknowledgements

Manage Acknowledgements displays a list of acknowledgement events, status of employee responses for a particular handbook or document, and access to create an acknowledgement event.

On the Handbook & Acknowledgments screen, click Manage for the handbook or document you want to view.


  • Clicking Back takes you to the Handbook & Acknowledgments screen.

  • The Show Inactive Events checkbox is automatically unchecked to hide inactive events. To show the inactive event rows, check the checkbox.

Acknowledgement Response History

Acknowledgement Response History displays a list of employees that have and have not responded to an event for a particular handbook or document. To view the list, click the applicable event.

To search for a specific employee:

  1. Enter the applicable information in the Search by Last Name/Emp ID field.

  2. Click GO.