Job Titles

Use Job Titles to edit or remove a job title.

To add a new job title, refer to Add New Job Title.

To transfer employees, refer to Transfer Employees.


Job titles are often used in categorizing employees for EEO reports.

Although the EEO Job Category field is not required, you can enter information to:

  • Assist in compiling your annual EEO reports.

  • Track job categories for your employees (because the Job Category assigned to the Job Title becomes the default value for an employee's Job Category).

Edit a Job Title

  1. Click company setup | Company Setup | Job Titles.

  2. Click a job title Description. The Job Title Setup screen displays.

  3. Complete the required (*) fields, at a minimum.

  4. Click Save.

Remove a Job Title


Before removing a job title, transfer employees to another job title.  Refer to Transfer Employees for additional information.

  1. Click company setup | Company Setup | Job Titles.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.