Job Postings

Use Job Postings to view and/or modify Job Titles, Applicants, and to copy and/or remove Job Titles.

To Add a Job Posting, refer to Add Job Posting.

To view Job Postings, click hiring | Recruiting Process | Job Postings.

Edit a Job Title

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Job Postings.

  2. Click the applicable job title from the Job Title column. The Job Posting Setup screen displays.

  3. Modify the applicable fields.

  4. Click Next >>. The Job Posting Setup screen displays.

  5. Modify the job summary in the Job Summary: field.

  6. Click Done.

View Applicants

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Job Postings.

  2. Click the applicable Apps from the Apps column. The Applicants screen displays.

  3. Refer to Applicant Pools for additional information.

Copy a Job Title

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Job Postings.

  2. Click Copy.

Remove a Job Title

  1. Click hiring | Recruiting Process | Job Postings.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.