Use Direct Deposit to (based on access level):
View direct deposits.
View a current list of the following information about each deduction approved by an administrator: priority, status, what changed (if applicable), deposit amount, account type, routing/transit number, and the account number.
Adjust the priority of direct deposit deductions.
Change details of specific direct deposits.
Remove direct deposits.
Once the employee completes any of the tasks mentioned above, the requested changes submit to the administrator. Once the administrator approves the employee requests, the requests send to payroll. Processing of an employee request takes up to several days.
To view direct deposit information or change details of specific direct deposits, click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit.
To add or edit direct deposits, refer to Add a Direct Deposit.
To print current direct deposits, refer to Print Current Direct Deposits.
Based on access level, you can cancel or fix and resubmit your direct deposits.
If you receive an e-mail or notification that a direct deposit request is declined, follow the procedure below:
Click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit. The following message displays, "You have a declined direct deposit request. You must take action on the declined request before you can change your direct deposits.". The Declined Direct Deposit Request box displays below the table of direct deposits.
To cancel a direct deposit request, click Cancel Request, then click OK to cancel your direct deposit request.
To fix and resubmit a direct deposit request:
Click Fix & Resubmit Request. The Fix and Resubmit Request screen displays.
Click Change next to the direct deposit request that you want to resubmit to fix. The Add/Edit Direct Deposit screen displays.
Edit the direct deposit information that needs to change.
Click Confirm Changes. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays.
Click I acknowledge and accept this request for Direct Deposit(s). if you acknowledge and accept this request for direct deposit(s).
Click Submit for Approval. The request resubmits to the administrator. You receive an e-mail when the administrator approves or denies your request.
To remove a direct deposit item:
Click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit.
Click Remove next to the direct deposit you want to remove.
Click OK to confirm that you want to remove the direct deposit request.
Direct Deposit removal is approved or denied by an administrator.
You can reset the calculation priority for any type of direct deposit, except for deposits with amounts that are remainders of net pay. The remainder of net pay deposit is always last because it calculates last.
Click employee | Personal Information | Direct Deposit.
Click the up or down arrow to the right of the Priority field to reset the calculation priority of a direct deposit.
Click Confirm Changes. The Confirm Direct Deposit screen displays.
Click I acknowledge and accept this request for Direct Deposit(s). if you acknowledge and accept this request for direct deposit(s).
Click Submit for Approval. The request resubmits to the administrator. You receive an e-mail when the administrator approves or denies your request.