Performance Reviews

Use Performance Reviews to view, edit, copy, remove, or print Performance Reviews.

To view Performance Reviews, click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

To create a Performance Review, refer to Create Performance Review.

To complete a peer review, refer to Peer Review Setup.

To manage Company Documents attached to Performance Reviews, click Manage Documents.

To print a blank Performance Review, click Print for the review you want to print.

Edit a Performance Review

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Edit. The Create Performance Review screen displays.

  3. Modify the applicable fields.

  4. Click Next >>.

  5. Modify the applicable fields.

  6. Click Done.


Selecting the Show Incomplete Reviews check box will display any reviews that have not been completely set up and have a status of Incomplete.


Add Performance Review Definitions

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Select the priority from the Priority drop-down menu.

  3. Add the definition in the Definition field.

  4. Click Save New Definition.


Definitions display in the numeric order they are specified.

Prioritizing Performance Review Definitions

Existing definitions can be modified in the priority order.

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Select the priority order in which you would like the definition to display.

Copy a Performance Review

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Copy. The copy of the Performance Review displays.

Remove a Performance Review

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.

Assign a Peer Review

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Assign. The Peer Review Assignment screen displays.

  3. Modify the applicable fields.

  4. Click Next >>.

  5. Modify the applicable fields.

  6. Click Done.

Manage a Peer Review

To assign a peer review to employees, complete the following:

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Manage. The Manage Peer Review screen displays.

  3. Complete the applicable fields.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click Done.

To view complete peer reviews, complete the following:

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Manage. The Manage Peer Review screen displays.

  3. Select at least one of the EE View checkboxes.

  4. Click Save.

Remove a Peer Review

  1. Click company setup | Customizable Options | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click OK to the pop-up message.

Print a Completed Peer Review

  1. Click administration | Performance Management | Performance Reviews.

  2. Click Manage in the Peer Reviews table.

  3. Select an employee name from Review Title (click to print).

  4. Click Print to print or click Close to close the print view browser window.

  5. Click OK to the pop-up message.