OSHA Worksheets

Use OSHA Worksheets to help you calculate the average number of employees who worked for your location during the year (first worksheet) and the total hours worked by all employees (second worksheet).

Calculate the Average Number of Employees Who Worked for Your Establishment During the Year

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Accidents/Illnesses.

  2. Click Print OSHA Forms.

  3. Click Worksheets & Calculators.

  4. Click OSHA Worksheets. The OSHA worksheets display.

  5. Type the number of employees paid in all pay periods in the Number of employees paid in all pay periods = field.

  6. Type the number of pay periods during the year in the Number of pay periods during the year = field.

  7. Click in the Number rounded = field. The exact and rounded amounts display, respectively.

Calculate the Total Hours Worked by All Employees

  1. Click administration | Employee Information | Accidents/Illnesses.

  2. Click Print OSHA Forms.

  3. Click Worksheets & Calculators.

  4. Click OSHA Worksheets. The OSHA worksheets display.

  5. Type the number of full time employees in your establishment for the year in the 1. Find the number of full-time employees in your location for the year. field.

  6. Type the number of work hours for a full time employee in a year in the 2. Multiply by the number of work hours for a full-time employee in a year. field. You can find the total number of work hours for a full time employee from the second worksheet in the OSHA 300A Form. You can also use this number in the OSHA Calculator to determine the Total Recordable Case Rate and the DART Incidence Rate.

  7. Type the number of overtime hours and hours worked by other employees in the 3. Add the number of any overtime hours as well as the hours worked by other employees (part-time, temporary, seasonal) field.

  8. Click in the 4. Round the answer to the next highest whole number. This number can be typed in the Total hours worked by all employees last year field on the 300A form. field to display the total hours worked by all employees last year. This number can be typed in the Total hours worked by all employees last year field on the 300A Form.